London is well known for upholding some of the most long standing traditions, and when it comes to Easter, there are plenty of events going on to celebrate this historic day. Easter is often a time of family, fresh air and the blooming of spring, London offering up entertainment and activities which utilise all of these sunshine based gifts. The London easter doesn’t need to be traditional, it can be filled to the brim with entertainment and unique events, especially with the added sunshine. The Grand Royale London Hyde Park Hotel is one of the most centrally located hotels in the city, and gives you a chance to see spring bloom in full through the nearby royal park with which it shares its name. Below are some of the great events taking place over the weekend which will no doubt brighten up your visit.

The Passion at Trafalgar square

Trafalgar square

Every year on Easter Sunday, Trafalgar Square hosts a reenactment of the Crucifixion of Jesus to a vast crowd of spectators. This atmospheric event will this year take place on the 19th of April, and comes complete with actors portraying Jesus’s followers, Romans and key players in the historic event around which Easter is based.

Sadler’s Wells two day family weekender

Sadler’s Wells is a theatre which focuses on music and dance, and on Easter weekend will host a range of performances in partnership with spanish company Aracaladanza, who will stage their quirky, family friendly show from the 19th – 20th of April. Sadler’s Wells is located in the Islington area of London, and is easily reachable from Angel Station on the Northern Line.

Easter trails at the Horniman Museum

Horniman Museum

The Horniman Museum in Dulwich is one of the most unique museums in London, bringing a range of taxidermy, ancient musical instruments and limited exhibitions to South East London. Furthermore, the grounds of the Horniman will play host to an Easter market and trail, giving children and adults alike a chance to come together and celebrate in the colourful museum.

Easter at St Paul’s Cathedral

St Paul’s Cathedral

Book your tickets early, St Paul’s massive church service on Easter Sunday is not to be missed and sells out incredibly early. Whether you’re religious or not, this service is one of the most atmospheric in the world and can host up to 3500 people.

Kensington Palace chocolate Lindt Bunny hunt

In the grounds of Kensington Palace, you’ll find the easter weekend littered with hidden Lindt Bunnies. These gorgeous chocolate delights will be part of a garden and house-wide easter egg hunt which is open to ticket holders and promises extra prizes and a lot of rifling through bushes.

London Wetland Centre Easter Trail

The London Wetlands Centre is based in Barnes prides itself on its eco-friendly attitude and its range of wildlife which will spring up over the warmer seasons. The WWT centre will host an easter duck hunt, vaguely correlating with the return of the water birds who regular roost in the centres grounds.

London Chocolate shops you simply must visit

Guests at the London Bayswater Hotel will no doubt want to pick up souvenirs for their friends a families. Thankfully, London offers up a vast selection of unique chocolate shops, all with their own unique personalities. These boutique independent chocolate shops include the delightful Montezuma’s in Spitalfields Market, and the works of tasty art from Choccywoccydoodah at Shorts Gardens in Covent Garden.